Today ends another week of quarantine…5 to be exact.  In some ways I haven’t seen any major changes.  As an extreme introvert, staying home for days on end doesn’t bother me one bit, but my kids and husband not so much.

The first few weeks were tough as we tried to get into a rhythm of working from home full-time, 3 college kids trying to finish out the semester online and one high schooler trying to do the same. No homeschooling for me as I know some parents of smaller children are having to do, but let me tell you no matter how old they are they can still be high maintenance 😊

As we adjust to another week of not leaving the house, all using the wi-fi at the same time, Zoom meetings, conference calls, etc., there have been some positives.  We are all healthy and we still love each other (for now).  I have made dinner more over the last 5 weeks than I have over the last year.  I have spent more intentional, purposeful time in my Bible and I have actually finished one book and am partially through another.  

I know all of this will pass and to quote a sister in Christ, let’s not waste this quarantine.  So that’s what I am trying to do, not waste it, as we head into another week of this new normal.

8 Comments on [another]

  1. I am an empty nester. It would have been lovely to have spent these weeks holed up with my children. What lovely memories you will carry with you, and what unique stories we (and they) will tell their grandchildren one day.

  2. Like, Nathalie, I’m an empty nester. My husband and I are accomplishing a lot during these days when his business travel is at a standstill, but I do wish we could be around our daughters and grandsons! Even so, I realize we have it much easier than some of you who are “on call” 24/7. Hang in there! At least we’re both being careful not to waste this time–even though it may look different for each of us.

    • Yes! I have a young lady I disciple and I call her children my adopted grandchildren. They spend quite a bit of time at our house and I miss them terribly. Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. Do not waste the quarantine,
    do not waste your fear;
    find out what it really means,
    and do not hide your tears.
    Do not waste the isolation,
    do not waste the sense of lack,
    let this be frank demonstration
    that God has got your back,
    as He did for prophets old,
    and for the faithful in distress;
    spread His word, be brave, be bold,
    and ever-ready to confess
    that even though the world spin down,
    in Heaven there awaits a crown.

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