Back to work tomorrow…and only 2 1/2 days left of school. Woohoo!
[so long, insecurity]
[spring has sprung]
Wow…Spring is in full bloom and I can’t believe it has been so long since I last blogged. One of my resolutions for 2010 was to blog more but I have been in a slump. There is tons going on in my head but I haven’t been able to get it out on paper (so to speak). Life continues to be busy as we wind down the school year. Saying goodbye to 1st grade, 3rd grade and 7th grade. Dance recital, piano recital, Word of Life award celebration, end of gymnastics, finished up an awesome Bible study tonight…and the list goes on.
Hopefully the summer will be somewhat relaxing and we will have wonderful family time along with some time spent reflecting, preparing to go on to New York to WOL camp and a missions trip to West Africa.
Life continues on…
[spring is almost here]
Well February came and went…I thought March was the whirlwind month. It looks like Spring may actually be on the way after 3 snow storms this Winter. The time changes tonight and I am so looking forward to having more daylight in the evenings. I am looking forward to all the trees and flowers blossoming and the smell of Spring. As I write this I am looking out my living room window and the daffodils are already blooming a beautiful bright yellow and the grass is getting green. The kids actually played outside today. I am working through my reading list…slowly it seems. My baby girl turned 7 and had her first sleepover.
I am attending a bible study at my friend Becky’s church and loving meeting new people and studying God’s Word. Bible study is such an important part of my life and I feel like something in my life is missing if I am not in a study. There is nothing like being in a group of Sisters in Christ talking about how God is working in our lives.
So here we are in the middle of March…2010 is already flying by!
[spring is almost here]
Well February came and went…I thought March was the whirlwind month. It looks like Spring may actually be on the way after 3 snow storms this Winter. The time changes tonight and I am so looking forward to having more daylight in the evenings. I am looking forward to all the trees and flowers blossoming and the smell of Spring. As I write this I am looking out my living room window and the daffodils are already blooming a beautiful bright yellow and the grass is getting green. The kids actually played outside today. I am working through my reading list…slowly it seems. My baby girl turned 7 and had her first sleepover.
I am attending a bible study at my friend Becky’s church and loving meeting new people and studying God’s Word. Bible study is such an important part of my life and I feel like something in my life is missing if I am not in a study. There is nothing like being in a group of Sisters in Christ talking about how God is working in our lives.
So here we are in the middle of March…2010 is already flying by!
[end of January]
I have decided that I am going to treat the last day of each month like January 1st. I will take a look at the previous month while it is still fresh on my mind and I will look toward the next month and set some goals. So, at the end of January I accomplished a few things. I organized my kitchen desk drawers (see this), I developed my reading list for 2010. I will finish my first book today from that list…The Worn Out Woman (When Life is Full and Your Spirit is Empty) – Stephens & Gray. One down, many more to go. I have started on reading the Bible in one year with two of my bestest friends. I finished a Bible study (Begin with Christ) that started in November 2009. Along with all of the other everyday stuff that must get done. So on to February…I will post more about it later this week.
[enough snow]
The Ellis household is ready for Spring. The 4 or so inches of snow in December was great and just enough. The 12 inches we received today is too much. We went with our church to Acquire the Fire in Richmond last night, left this morning about 7 am and traveled I-95. Whew, what a mess. They ended up ending ATF early so by the time we left around 11 am the roads were a mess. We were so excited to get home. As of right now my kids have not asked once to go outside which is fine by me!
I have not done much today…which I am trying to convince myself is a good thing. I have a four day weekend that began yesterday. I spent most of Friday working on church stuff…updating websites, making posters for upcoming events, sending emails about upcoming events, etc. I also cleaned up my email…I deleted almost 300 emails and got my inbox down to 19 emails. So it was a pretty productive day. I am spending my Saturday catching up on my QT, my Bible study and reading the first of the many books I listed in a previous post. I cleaned the kitchen but haven’t gotten the motivation to fold the many, many loads of clothes that are in my bedroom floor. I had also planned to work on taxes today but that will have to wait for another day. So me and my little girl are going to watch a movie while the “boys” are out doing something (going to the hobby shop I think). I love Saturdays.
[catching up]
Here we are deep into week 2 of the new year. Spending this weekend catching up on everything that needs to be done. So much of my life is “catching up.” Catching up on laundry, housework, agendas for meetings, paperwork for bills, church, work, Bible study, Quiet Time (should I have to catch up on QT, doesn’t seem right does it?). I still struggle with getting it all done and not allowing the urgent to overtake the important. But even the important has to be prioritized.
I’m not kidding myself into believing that it will all get caught up today but the things that HAVE to be done today will get done. Of course that doesn’t mean the IMPORTANT will get done today. I still have so far to go in getting it all together while trying to simplify my life..hhmmm.
[reading list]
I love to read…as a child I read all the time. When I graduated from college it seemed like I stopped reading. Maybe 5 years of reading text books did me in for a while. Then came infants and toddlers and finding the time to read was almost impossible. But in 2009 my love for reading came alive again. So I spent some time this past week looking at all the books I have in my mini-library. And yes it is a mini-library. I have to box alot of them up because I don’t have enough room for them. Right now there are two stacks of books on my bedroom floor. As a side note…when we finally finish our basement I want to have built in bookshelves so that I will have plenty of room for them all.
As promised, here is my reading list for 2010 (not in any particular order)…and I already own everyone of them with the exception of “So Long Insecurity”. It releases on February 2nd but I have already ordered it. A few of them I have read before, but most of them I have not. They have been sitting on my shelf, some for years. So I have decided that I am not buying any new books in 2010 because I have plenty to read. I just have to check them out.
Five Love Languages of Children – Chapman
Have a New Kid by Friday – Leman
90 Minutes in Heaven – Piper
What Every Christian Ought to Know – Rogers
Simplify Your Life – Ramsland
Simplify Your Time – Ramsland
Master Leaders – Barna
The Messies Manual – Felton
Organizing for Life – Felton
Organizing Your Day – Felton
Organizing Magic – Felton
Breathe – Kent
The Worn Out Woman (When Life is Full and Your Spirit is Empty) – Stephens & Gray
Give God A Year – Lewis
So Long Insecurity – Moore
The One Year Bible for Women (NLT)
Check back in December to see how far I get…if I get half way through this list I will be happy!