Category: oneword365


Well here I am one year later saying the same thing I said in 2024. Life gets in the way but mostly I don’t know what to say that anyone might want to hear. So maybe I just write for myself this year. 

I haven’t chosen my one word for the year yet. A few have come to mind but I am reading through a 7 day bible plan to help me hone in on what word God has for me in 2025.  Today it asked us to document how God has worked in our lives in 2024. 

Winter 2024

I spent a week in West Africa on a mission trip in January. It had been 6 years since the last one. So many emotions in this short trip. We helped with a medical clinic and met so many of the Hidden People, mainly young guys in their middle twenties. We’ve been able to keep in touch with a few through social media. I am ready to return…maybe next year. 

Spring 2024

Our baby girl got engaged and we are in the final months of preparation for March 2025.

Summer 2024

In June two of my good friends drove to Indianapolis for the Gospel Coalition’s women’s conference. We had a great time. 

For the first time in many years we didn’t get to go to summer camp. So instead we headed to Kentucky to visit the Ark and the Creation Museum. 

We attended a few concerts which is always fun. 

Our church started an ESL ministry and to say I am out of my comfort zone is putting it mildly. I am not a teacher but have been able to learn to write lesson plans and God has given me a patience I didn’t know I had. 

We spent a week at Carolina Beach in September. It was our first time visiting and we enjoyed the small beach town feel of it. 

Fall 2024

Our church was able to hire a full-time youth minister which has been an answer to prayer. I continue to enjoy my middle school girls small group and spending time with them at church and outside of it. 

We spent Thanksgiving in New York City and attended the Macy’s Parade which was a bucket list item. 

Our baby girl graduated from college after 3.5 years. We are so proud of her. 

Our boys continue to do well and we continue to pray that they will seek the Lord’s guidance for their lives and how they will serve Him. 

My ladies Bible studies continued this year. I think it’s been around 15 years now. The faces have changed over the years but right now we have a core group that has been amazing to grow with. 

Work continues to challenge me but I’m still having fun and meeting so many new people. 

So my plan is to return here next week with my word for the year….


Blogging for me has taken a hiatus for a few years. I haven’t really been able to make it what I wanted it to be. I’m a perfectionist by nature and if I can’t do something to my expectations then I tend to not do anything. So here I am picking up the “pen” to try again.

Life looks different now with 3 adult children and we have settled into the life of empty nesters, although one is still at home after just graduating from college. I also made a huge career change this year that has taken me out of my comfort zone but in a really good way.

I don’t have many expectations or resolutions for 2024 but I did settle on my word for this year.

Peace says that the primary word for peace in the Old Testament is shalom and “refers to relationships between people, nations and God with men.”

It goes on to say that the primary Greek word for “peace” in the New Testament is eirene. It refers to rest and tranquility. That is my prayer and hope for this year. I know that that hope comes only from my relationship with Jesus.

I am starting the year off heading to West Africa for a missions trip. I will share more on that when I return but for now I am ready to see what God has in store for me and the team as well as the people we are going to visit and serve.

[one word 2021]

The last few years I have prayed about what one word I would focus on for a year. To be honest I have failed miserably at keeping it in front of me during the year. If I had to guess it’s because I stopped praying about it once the word was chosen. 

I have great ambitions at the beginning of a new year as I suppose many do.  And like many, after a week or two they fade with the day to day minutiae that we call life. 

After 2020 caused us to slow down and change our everyday lives, it’s time to settle into some kind of new normal. You would think that after 9 months I would already be in a new routine, but in reality, I’m not. I haven’t mastered working from home, the new way my kids do school or keeping my house clean (I doubt I’ll ever master that!).

I’m not sure what 2021 will look like, or if a new normal will ever really exist, but my word for this year is “steady.”  Continuing in the habits I was able to get better with, like reading my Bible, engaging in Bible study, investing in others, daily quiet times, walking/running regularly, serving in Youth Ministry, and deepening relationships with my husband and kids. Treasuring up in my heart the moments that turn into years very quickly. 

[one word 2020]

I spent the better part of December thinking about what my oneword365 would be for 2020. I created a Note on my phone and as words came to me through people, articles I read or my Bible reading, I would add them to the list. As I spent time looking at the list I created, I realized that all of the words could be wrapped up in one of the those words in some way. My word for 2020 is transformation.

Merriam-Webster defines “transform” as change in composition or structure; to change the outward form or appearance or to change in character or condition. I searched my bible app for verses that relate to transformation and there are a few but two stood out to me…

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!” – 2 Corinthians 5:17 CSB

“Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing and perfect will of God.” – Romans 12:2 CSB

I was struggling with choosing this word because it seems so large and well, big. It seems like some overnight change in my life that changes everything and others will notice right away and want to know what “get rich quick” scheme I used. This introvert really just wants to make small everyday changes that go pretty much unnoticed by others.

But I think that small, daily changes will bring about transformation over time. I’m not looking for a big wow factor, but a slow and steady change that will stick throughout 2020 and beyond. I’ve made many “resolutions” to eat better, lose weight, exercise more, share Jesus more, read my Bible more, but over time those “resolutions” fade for many reasons but mostly because I wanted the end result now without putting in the work necessary to achieve them.

So in 2020, I will be focusing on daily changes holding to God’s promise that because He is faithful, I will not perish. His mercies never end and they are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).


My oneword365 for 2019 is love. If I’m truly honest, I don’t love well. I am a pretty selfish person and my desires to do what I think God wants me to do in ministry and volunteer work may be getting in the way of me loving my family and friends well. In fact, I’m not sure I have been doing what God wants me to do for many years. I have let my calling of being a wife and mom take second stage. I’ve also let sharing Jesus with those who need to know Him fall behind doing things for Him. I’ve let doing things for the Lord become more important than my relationship with the Lord.

So in 2019, I plan to dive deep into Scripture and see just what it says about love and how I can love Jesus more and go deeper in the relationships that He’s set before me. I hope to share what God shows me here on these pages.


September is the new January for many moms with kids still in school. My two younger kids actually went back to school two weeks ago. My oldest headed back up to New York yesterday to start his second year with Word of Life Bible Institute. So we haven’t gotten into our new normal routine yet. Today I opened my calendar to a fresh month. Not a blank slate because life doesn’t ever stop, but a chance to look over my life for the next 30 days. I can’t look much past that right now.

My one Word for 2018 is “simplify.” What have I done over the last eight months that would reflect to others that I am simplifying my life. Probably not much…I’m still just as busy, maybe even busier than I want to be, my husband lost his job of 27 years, a child who has made some really bad decisions that, honestly, we don’t know the long term effects as of right now.

But I do know that God is in control and that I have to remain faithful and obedient. And I have to trust that He’s got this. He’s shown Himself in many ways. My husband has a new job which has turned out to be a much bigger blessing than we anticipated. We’ll have to wait a little longer for the outcome for my son, but I know that He is teaching us something through it and that no matter the outcome, God is still good.

Simplifying my heart has been difficult. I knew it would be. One of my goals was to read through the Bible chronologically this year. I am on track as of right now. I pray that as I read the Word it will declutter my heart. The bitterness is fading. My hope was for restoration or at least genuine reconciliation, but God hasn’t provided that yet. But the days of lingering in the sorrow of a lost relationship are becoming easier.

Simplying my home is always a work in progress. I had to clean this past weekend because we invited a family over for dinner and a movie. I love the joy I experience while we fellowship but even more the joy I feel in my heart when my home is still clean the next day, even if only for a day. I want to bottle up that feeling to remind me why I should work a little everyday to make my home a sanctuary. I have an awesome friend who encourages me in this area and we hold each other accountable to declutter something every week.

God has provided a second person to my little discipleship group. It has changed the dynamic of the group but the conversations are wonderful. It’s amazing to me how coffee with friends can also satisfy my heart as I continue to learn to open myself up a little more each time. He also provided me two new ladies to fellowship with through short devotions on my Bible app.

God has shown me this year more than ever that the little things are so important to this journey and that I need to reflect on them more than I do. Coffee with friends, dinner and a movie, devotions with friends, any time with my husband and kids…He is in all of these things.

So as September blows in with all of the items on my calendar in this “new year…” ladies Fall Bible study, a few training classes/ conferences, kids gearing up for a new youth group year, uncertainty in some situations, I first need to look to Him for direction and guidance and then everything else will fall into place.


I have been praying over what word God would speak over me for 2018. Or if He would give me a word at all. Is it that important to focus so much on a word? Nevertheless there were three words that came to me…trust, forgive and unplug.

I dissected each word and why it would be important for my life in 2018. Trust is something I struggle with and it has affected my relationships over the years, especially with other women. I find it hard to open up and share the sacred pieces of my heart. But God has put a few women in my life over the last year that He has entrusted to me. Not all of them have blossomed the way I envisioned but one has and I am very grateful for His favor.

Forgiveness has been hard. My husband and I have been hurt over the last few years by someone in a leadership position in our church. Oh don’t get me wrong…we share in some of the blame but the relationship is superficially reconciled, but not what it used to be. I’m not sure it ever will be. It has affected our ministry but I’m tired of the bitterness in my heart and am ready to trust God with that person.

Unplug refers to how much time I spend on social media. And while much of who I follow and much of what I read is on spiritual things, it is still a distraction from my relationship with Jesus, my family and friends.

I came across this quiz by Dayspring to help determine your one word for the new year. You answer a few questions about what you want in 2018 and it spits out a word. I took the quiz hoping it would confirm one of the three words above. But it didn’t. It brought back “simplify.”

I pondered on that word most of yesterday. It wasn’t what I was thinking of at all. But then it started to make some sense. My life has been complicated by unforgiveness, bitterness, social media and a fear of going deeper in my relationships. Simplifying, decluttering my life, could help with all three areas.

Opening up my home more often and inviting others in, not only for dinner or dessert, but for meaningful conversation and building life long friendships. Of course this means decluttering my house to be able to invite others in so they have a place to sit down.

Simplifying my heart or uncluttering it will be more difficult. It will take effort and a lot of prayer for God to “create a clean heart for me and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalms 51:10 CSB). I will be reading through the Bible this year. I’ve read through the Bible before but this will be the first time reading it in chronological order. Focusing on the Word, I know my heart will be softened and I will be able to hear from Him more clearly. Simplifying social media (or reducing it significantly) will help to make more time for more important things.

So my one word for 2018 will be simplify. Happy New Year!

[hello 2017]

New beginnings, a blank slate, a fresh new journal to document a life to be lived…

I’ve never been a resolution girl because unfortunately after about day 3 I’m done. This year I want to focus on making habits. Not a check off list of things to do each day, but habits that will develop me spiritually, physically, and emotionally. 

This is the year I turn 50. I know it’s hard to believe.  I can’t believe it. I have never dreaded a Birthday before, but this one…this one has me really thinking about my life and how I want to spend the next decade, Lord willing. 

I have been praying this last week over what my word for 2017 would be. God has been laying two words on my heart but He really solidified it during Church this morning. Not because of the sermon but because of the faithfulness of one family who has lived the worst nightmare that could ever happen to a parent…the loss of a child. She was in a devastating car accident on Christmas Day and her parents made the decision Friday to donate her organs.  She passed into the arms of Jesus yesterday. 

The faith that sustained them this week as her life hung in the balance and the decision to let her go was beyond amazing. Through it all they glorified God and surrendered to Him whatever the outcome. The father was in church this morning and I cried as we sang every song because I can’t imagine the pain and how their lives are changed forever. They impacted a community to unite in prayer for God’s will to be done and a heartfelt plea to put our faith in Jesus Christ. It was beautiful to watch. 

So God impressed upon my heart the word prayer.  To be more intentional in my prayer life, to keep a journal to record prayer requests and answered prayer. To pray harder for my husband, my children and unsaved family members. To spend more time getting to know my Savior and listening more to what He has to say to me.  

Life will be chaotic as I complete my Master’s degree, we help to build a new ministry, Basketball Church 23860, as well as building a ministry to internationals in our community. Throw in a trip to Africa for me and a trip to Pennsylvania for my husband and two of our kids to minister to inner city kids through basketball. 

Our lives are full and we are so blessed and grateful for the opportunities He has given us. 


[five minute friday – present]

In today’s fast and busy life it is so easy to get caught up in what is going on right now and think we are living in the present. But what does living in the present actually mean? Emily P. Freeman, in her book “Simply Tuesday” says that “the road to the kingdom is lined with invisible benches where the great work of love, service, listening, community, prayer, change, and transformation will occur.” Living in the present means being available (a plug for one my 2016 oneword365) and stopping for at least a few minutes to listen to God as He shows us the benches where we can love, serve, listen, pray, change and stop focusing on the urgent versus the important.

Will the urgent still pry us away from the important? Sure, it will. But if the urgent is what consumes all of our time it may be time to find that bench and sit for awhile and look for Him in the present.



[resolutions…or not]

I have decided not to set any New Years resolutions for 2016. There is so much pressure and let’s be honest 2 or 3 weeks into the year it’s a bust anyway. I am choosing to look at life differently this year. For the last couple of years I have participated in the oneword365 project. God has laid the word available on my heart for 2016. Available to whatever He has in store for me. Available to Him, my family, ministry, relationships…whatever He wants. For so many years I have focused on my goals which may or may not have included His plans.

It’s time to leave the past in the past and focus on the future. It may be fun or it may not. It might not be pretty all the time and it may be hard but we were never promised an easy road (I’m hoping for more fun though 😉).  My prayer is that in all things I will praise my God.

What’s your one word for 2016?