On Monday and Tuesday nights my daughter has dance classes. I sit in my car and read or finish my bible study homework or just waste the whole hour on social media. But last night I used that hour to write the day’s blogpost. And here I sit on Tuesday night doing the same thing. Turns out this dedicated hour is a great time to get my thoughts together with little to no interruptions.
I am participating in Incourage’s book club this month reading Emily P. Freeman’s latest book “Simply Tuesday.”  Every Tuesday she has a message on Periscope and today’s really spoke to me.
She spoke about 1 Samuel when David killed Goliath. The woman were singing in the streets that Saul had killed thousands but David had killed tens of thousands. This would begin Saul’s competition with David that would eventually lead to his demise. But she talked about how Saul was trying to be a better version of David instead of just being who God called him to be.
That has been my struggle with blogging. When I think of ideas I convince myself that someone else is already writing about that topic and they are doing such a great job why would anyone read what I have to say?  She said “just do your own thing well.”  It doesn’t matter if someone is already doing the same thing. It won’t be identical to what you want to do and we all bring different perspectives. She said just ask yourself “what is the next right thing to do.” Do that thing and then ask the question again.
So what is your next right thing to do?  Mine is to seek God through prayer and His Word and listen to what He is telling me even if someone else is already doing it and to do it well.

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